Instructions for Drawing

  1. Open xD
  2. Create a new artboard that is 500px by 500px
  3. Save the file
  4. Select the rectangle tool
  5. Create a rectangle with the W:257 and H:235
  6. Place the square in the center of the artboard
  7. Fill the rectangle with the color Hex #DDD5F1 and uncheck the border
  8. Done with the first shape.
  9. Then select the Polygon tool
  10. Create a triangle with the W:257 and H:171
  11. Alight the triangle to the bottom of the square and center it
  12. Fill the triangle with Hex #F379C2 and uncheck the border
  13. Adjust the opacity of the triangle to 33%
  14. Done with the second shape.
  15. Next select the elipse shape
  16. Create a circle with the W:113 and H:118
  17. Alight the circle with the bottom of the triangle and square
  18. After it is aligned with the bottom, center it so that it shows the number 72 on both sides, so that it is centered from the bottom
  19. Then fill the circle with the color Hex #CCE9EE and uncheck the border
  20. Done with third shape.
  21. Lastly, select the rectangle tool
  22. Create a rectangle with the W:257 and H:45
  23. Then place the rectangle within the first square and align it with the top of the square
  24. Once the rectangle is inside and align, fill the rectangle with the color Hex #EAFFF6
  25. Uncheck the border of the rectangle then you are done with the last shape
  26. Save the file as a png
  27. Then you are done!
  28. Email the image to

Original Drawing

class exercise

Classmate Attempt
